Before You Buy That Interactive Whiteboard For Your School

02 Sep.,2024


Before You Buy That Interactive Whiteboard For Your School

In this prevalent economic turbulence being experienced in the country, it is expedient to spend money wisely so as to be able to get the best value at the least possible price.

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One of the things that school owners invest in around this time is the interactive whiteboard. This is because it brings a touch of modernity to classroom activities. Asides this, the interactive whiteboard is supposed to introduce the teacher and pupils/students to the use of the latest ICT tools in Education.

However, we usually come across all sorts of interactive whiteboards - from the 'top of the range&#; ones to the low quality ones.

It is therefore important to know the right product to buy that will give quality at the right price thereby preventing any future regrets caused by wasted investment.

We at DCI Educational have compiled ten key things to look out for to ensure you get the right interactive whiteboard for your classrooms at the right price.

Before we go further,It is important to note that there are different types of interactives. Some come in form of boards that you fix on the wall


while some come in form of interactive devices (such as we supply at DCI Educational shown below).






These devices convert a plain ordinary white surface into an interactive touch screen.

Please bear it in mind that an interactive that comes with a board is not necessarily better than an interactive device. You will be surprised that some interactive devices like the one supplied by DCI Educational comes with more features than a conventional interactive board.

Based on the experiences gathered in the field while supplying and installing interactives for schools across Nigeria, we have come out with 10 qualities of a good interactive that you need to look out for before you go ahead and purchase.

  1. A good interactive whiteboard must be durable. We at DCI Educational have come across lots of schools that bought interactive whiteboards and it didn&#;t last for even up to one year. This is because the board was bought at a low price.

Important Notice: Never buy your interactive board just because it is cheaper than others. It might lead to a waste of investment at the end of the day.

DCI Interactive Whiteboard Devices are strong and durable. We also give you a two-year warranty on our product.

We can boldly say that none of our customers in the last three years has complained of a faulty interactive device

2. A good interactive Whiteboard must have readily available spare parts. Most suppliers only bring in the whiteboard without considering the need for spare parts. What if one of the e-pens drops and breaks? How will I get a replacement? We have come across schools that are not able to use their interactive whiteboards again just because the pen got damaged and they couldn&#;t get a replacement.

DCI Educational provides after sales services on our interactive whiteboard devices. We also have spare parts in case you need replacement of any parts.

3.  A good interactive board must give you value for money. What is the size of your interactive whiteboard? Interactive boards come in different sizes &#; from as narrow as 77 inches to as wide as 150 inches.

Note that the bigger the board, the higher the price.







DCI Interactive whiteboard device gives you the opportunity of getting different sizes at just one price. This is because ours is an interactive device that converts any surface into an interactive board. Therefore you can set the display screen to as low as 77inches or as high as 150 inches by simply adjusting the settings of our interactive device.

4.  A good interactive whiteboard should come with standard teaching software. Most interactive boards just come with the &#;driver&#; software that just allows you to use the e-pen on the board. This seriously limits the extent to which you can use your interactive board.

DCI Educational Interactive Device comes with two teaching software &#; One standard teaching software and the other, a more advanced teaching software.

This software contains teaching tools in up to 10 subjects that makes the use of your interactive device educative and more fun.

5.  A good interactive whiteboard must be serviceable and at reasonable cost.     We have come across lots of schools with interactive boards that have &#;packed up&#;; meaning that the board is no longer functioning. In actual fact, the board might just need to be serviced for it to start functioning properly again.

Most suppliers cannot handle the servicing of the board and by the time you think of the cost of removing the board and having it sent back to the manufacturer outside the country, you will just decide to forego the idea of fixing it.

As representatives of the manufacturer, DCI Educational gives a two-year warranty on all interactive devices we supply and install. If there is a factory fault with the device within the warranty period, we will replace it.

We also provide after sales services on our interactive so you do not need to worry about maintenance.

6. A good interactive board must be safe to use. Most boards use electromagnetic waves while some use ultrasound waves.

DCI Educational supplies and installs interactive devices that use infra red technology which is 100% safe and eco friendly.

For more Smart Blackboardinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

7. A good interactive whiteboard should come with more than one e-pen. This allows for participatory teaching that students too can participate in. Most interactive boards come with just one e-pen. Some suppliers say their interactive is &#;finger touch&#;. Good as that is, we must not forget that the teacher cannot use his/her finger to write a whole 40-minute lesson on the board. That cannot be convenient for the teacher.

DCI Educational interactive whiteboard devices come with at least two e-pens. This means that the teacher can be using one and at the same time call on the students to come and use the other on the board.






8.  A good interactive board must have a standard &#;save and share&#; feature.

 DCI Educational interactive whiteboard devices come with special features which allow you to playback your lesson while the lesson is still on.

You can also save your whole lesson at the end of the class for future reference. Lessons can also be converted to Word, Powerpoint and PDF files for sharing with students.

9. A good interactive whiteboard must be easy to use. Installation of the interactive board is one thing but knowing how to use it effectively is another.

DCI Educational interactive whiteboard devices come with detailed user manuals. We also organize specialized training sessions for those who will use the device.

10. A good interactive whiteboard must be energy efficient. Most interactives consume power on their own and the e-pens also use batteries. This consumes energy thereby increasing the money spent on electricity, at the same time worrying about replacing the e-pen batteries once they are drained.

DCI Educational interactives do not consume power separately. The device works by simply connecting it to the laptop. The e-pens are also rechargeable and you just have to connect it to your laptop, charge it for one minute and you can use it to write throughout your lesson period.

We believe that these points will serve as a guide for you when deciding on which type of interactive to buy.

At DCI Educational, we supply and install the best interactive whiteboard device around and we have proofs to back it up

That is why we have customers in different states across Nigeria such as Lagos, Ogun, Osun, Oyo, Delta, Anambra, Niger States and also Abuja and still counting.

For further enquiries on our brand of interactive whiteboard device, feel free to call us on or send an to .

Thank you.

How Much Does A Interactive Whiteboard Cost Finally ...

Futuresource reports that the interactive whiteboard market has grown at a tremendous pace over the last decade. When interactive whiteboards first hit the market they were only popular in a few countries. Namely the United States, the UK, and Mexico. Today, Interactive Whiteboards are common globally.


A Transparent Approach for Informed Decision-Making

It&#;s a challenge to find interactive whiteboard prices on the web. I tried to Google the price of an interactive whiteboard before we made this purchase and I couldn&#;t find a site with simple, realistic, up-to-date prices. Many websites of interactive whiteboard brands forward you to a sales representative contact form. Blogs and websites seldom mention prices. My social media friends on Twitter and Facebook couldn&#;t give me an answer either. Even the school administrators I talked to didn&#;t know exactly what they cost.

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Tips for Businesses and Schools

Please keep in mind, we&#;re a business and we were charged the corporate price. I have a feeling school prices are much lower because they often buy interactive whiteboards in larger quantities. (The salesman I dealt with seemed less than enthusiastic to answer my e-mails and sell me aboard. I think he had bigger and more important clients to deal with in schools.) Of course, prices will also vary depending on the model and options you choose.

Things to know

1. We were quoted for two different sizes. There are standard and wide-screen versions available. We went for the standard since that&#;s what most schools in the area seem to have.

There are single-touch and multi-touch. We went for the multi-touch, even though it was about $600 more. I imagine the single-touch ones are probably being phased out;

2. We learned that new interactive whiteboards are sold only through authorized dealers. There is only one dealer in our area, so there wasn&#;t really any way to shop around.

3. There are many brands of interactive whiteboards. I&#;m sure many are much more expensive than ours and some are probably cheaper than ours.


3 Smart Strategies for Affordable Interactive Classroom Solutions

There are ways to save money, if your budget is tight.

1. Leveraging Cost-Effective Projector Solutions for Interactive Displays

 If you have already the projectors in your classrooms. I&#;ve seen several schools use less expensive projectors. These are usually mounted on the ceiling. Since we rented our office space, we didn&#;t want to cut holes in the ceiling and lose our security deposit. The attached projector also made wiring easier.

2. The speakers are optional.

While you can use computer speakers, you can choose cheaper speakers that could meet your requirements for classroom use.

3. Could we have installed it ourselves?

Probably. However, I was afraid to try because I didn&#;t want to ruin my $5,000 board and void the warranty because I hung it on the wall incorrectly. However, I watched the installers do it and it didn&#;t seem that complicated. So if your staff could install by yourself, then you can save the installation fee. Or, you could find some interactive whiteboard brand that does not need the installation fee at all. For example, IQBoard allows you to install by yourself easily.

Here are some other articles that we think might interest you:

To Go for Interactive Whiteboard (IWB)or Interactive Flat Panel (IFP) Display ?

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Classroom Technology: How to Select a Truly Visually-Friendly Interactive Flat Panel Display

Are you interested in learning more about Digital Teaching Board? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!