Introduction to Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges

29 Apr.,2024


Introduction to Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges

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Introduction to Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges

For more than fifty years, ultrasonic thickness gauges have been used by quality control professionals to measure the thickness of a wide variety of products across a range of industries. This includes inspectors testing critical parts like aircraft turbine blades for wear and maintenance crews checking pipes and tanks for in-service corrosion. As hardware and software development has advanced over the years, ultrasonic thickness gauges have become powerful, reliable, and user-friendly tools. This tutorial describes how they work and what they are used for.

What Are Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges Used For?

Ultrasonic thickness gauges are often used to determine the thickness of a material where an inspector only has access to one side of the part, such as a pipe or tube, or where simple mechanical measurement is impossible or impractical due to the part’s size or access limitations. The fact that thickness measurements can quickly and easily be made from one side, with no need to cut parts, is one of the major advantages of this technology.

Virtually any common engineering material can be measured ultrasonically. Ultrasonic thickness gauges can be set up for metals, plastics, composites, fiberglass, ceramics, and glass. In-line or in-process measurement of extruded plastics and rolled metal is often possible, as is the measurement of individual layers or coatings in multilayer fabrications. Liquid levels and biological samples can also be measured. Ultrasonic gauging is always completely nondestructive, with no cutting or sectioning required. The range of measurement can be as large as 0.08 mm (0.003 in.) to 635 mm (25 in.) depending on material and transducer selection. Materials that are generally unsuitable for measurement with conventional ultrasonic gauges include wood, concrete, paper, and foam products.

Ultrasonic thickness gauges work by very precisely measuring how long it takes for a sound pulse that has been generated by a probe called an ultrasonic transducer to travel through a test piece. Because sound waves reflect from material boundaries, timing the echo from the far side of the test piece can be used to gauge its thickness, in the same way that radar or sonar measure distance. Resolution can be as fine as 0.001 mm or 0.0001 in.

Most ultrasonic thickness gauging applications use small, handheld transducers, but some complex geometries as well as in-line testing require noncontact transducers that focus a sound beam through a water column or bath. Measurements are essentially instantaneous and can be recorded on internal instrument data loggers for documentation or analysis.

What Materials Can Be Measured with an Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge?

Ultrasonic gauging can be used to measure corrosion, coatings, and a range of materials, most typically metals, plastics, composites, fiberglass, or ceramic glass.


If undetected over time, corrosion can weaken the structural integrity of metals like beams, bridge supports, and steel pilings. Ultrasonic thickness gauges can be used to nondestructively inspect metals to detect any damage or weakness that corrosion might have caused to metal structures.


Ultrasonic thickness gauges can be used to measure many metal products, including pipes and tanks, sheets and coils, gun drilling, or tubing. Ultrasonic gauging can be used for quality assurance purposes to ensure that manufacturing meets industry standards and that a product is safe and strong enough to perform its key function.


The use of nonmetallic engineering products like plastics has become more common, increasing the need for wall thickness to be measured for quality control. Ultrasonic testing is now used on bottles and containers, plastic pipes, and fiberglass pipes and boats to ensure industry standards are accurately met and manufactured materials are safe to use.

Other Materials

Ultrasonic gauging can also be used for a variety of other materials. This includes rubber products, ceramics, glassware, and liquid level, where the user cannot access both sides of the material.

Advantages And Limitations Of Ultrasonic Testing

Ultrasonic Testing in Detecting Surface and Subsurface Defects

Ultrasonic testing is a versatile method that can be used to detect both surface and subsurface defects in materials. The specific approach used for surface and subsurface defects detection may differ slightly, but the underlying principles are similar.

Surface Defects Detection:

For surface defect detection, ultrasonic testing typically involves using a transducer to send high-frequency sound waves into the material being tested. The sound waves are reflected back to the transducer when they encounter a surface defect, such as a crack or void, and this reflection is detected and analyzed to determine the location and size of the defect. This method may require the use of a coupling agent, such as a gel or oil, to ensure good contact between the transducer and the surface being tested.

Subsurface Defects Detection:

For subsurface defect detection, ultrasonic testing typically involves using a transducer to send high-frequency sound waves into the material being tested. The sound waves pass through the material until they encounter a subsurface defect, such as a void or inclusion, and this reflection is detected and analyzed to determine the location and size of the defect. This method may require the use of a coupling agent to ensure good contact between the transducer and the surface of the material being tested.

In both cases, the ultrasonic testing can be performed using different techniques depending on the specific application. For example, pulse-echo testing involves sending a short pulse of sound waves into the material and measuring the time it takes for the waves to return, whereas phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) uses multiple transducers to generate and receive sound waves at different angles to create a detailed image of the internal structure of the material.

Limitations of Ultrasonic Testing in Detecting Certain Types of Defects

While ultrasonic testing (UT) is a widely used and effective method for non-destructive testing (NDT) of materials, there are some limitations to its ability to detect certain types of defects. Here are some of the main limitations of UT in detecting certain types of defects:

  1. Surface Roughness: UT requires a smooth surface for accurate testing, and surface roughness can interfere with the transmission and reflection of sound waves, making it difficult to detect defects.
  2. Irregular Shapes: UT is most effective on flat or regularly shaped materials. Irregular shapes, such as curved or cylindrical surfaces, can present challenges for accurate testing and may require specialized equipment or techniques.
  3. Orientation: UT is most effective when the sound waves are perpendicular to the surface being tested. If the orientation of the material or the defect is not ideal, it may be difficult to detect or accurately assess the defect.
  4. Material Properties: UT is most effective on homogeneous materials with uniform properties. Materials with varying properties, such as composites or laminates, can present challenges for accurate testing.
  5. Depth of Defects: UT has limitations in detecting defects that are located deep within a material, particularly if the material is highly attenuative. Other NDT methods may be more effective for detecting deep-seated defects, such as radiography or eddy current testing.

Practical Applications of Ultrasonic Testing in Aerospace, Automotive, and Construction Industries

Ultrasonic testing (UT) is a widely used non-destructive testing (NDT) method with practical applications in several industries, including aerospace, automotive, and construction. Here are some examples of how UT is used in these industries:

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Aerospace Industry:

  1. Inspection of Aircraft Components: UT is used to inspect critical aircraft components such as engine parts, landing gear, and wings for defects such as cracks, voids, and delaminations. This helps ensure the safety and reliability of the aircraft.
  2. Composite Materials Testing: UT is also used to inspect composite materials used in aircraft manufacturing. This is important because composites offer weight savings and strength advantages over traditional metal materials, but they can be more challenging to inspect for defects.

Automotive Industry:

  1. Engine Block Inspection: UT is used to inspect engine blocks for defects such as cracks and voids. This is important because engine blocks are critical components that must withstand high stress and temperature conditions.
  2. Weld Inspection: UT is used to inspect welds in automotive components such as frames, axles, and exhaust systems. This helps ensure the integrity and safety of these components.

Construction Industry:

  1. Concrete Testing: UT is used in the construction industry to inspect concrete structures such as bridges, dams, and buildings for defects such as delaminations, voids, and cracks. This helps ensure the safety and durability of these structures.
  2. Rebar Inspection: UT is used to inspect the reinforcing steel (rebar) in concrete structures for defects such as corrosion and cracking. This is important because rebar corrosion can weaken the structure and lead to failure.

Role of Ultrasonic Testing in Preventative Maintenance and Quality Control Plans

Ultrasonic testing (UT) plays an important role in preventative maintenance and quality control plans by providing a non-destructive method for detecting defects and thickness variations in materials. Here are some of the specific ways that UT can be used in preventative maintenance and quality control:

Preventative Maintenance:

  1. Corrosion Monitoring: UT can be used to monitor corrosion in pipes, tanks, and other structures. By measuring the thickness of the material over time, it is possible to detect corrosion and take action before it becomes a serious problem.
  2. Thickness Measurement: UT can be used to measure the thickness of materials such as pipelines, tanks, and pressure vessels. This is important for ensuring that these materials meet specifications and requirements, and for detecting potential issues such as thinning due to corrosion.
  3. Component Inspection: UT can be used to inspect critical components such as welds, bolts, and nuts for defects such as cracks and voids. By detecting defects early, it is possible to take corrective action before the component fails.

Quality Control:

  1. Material Verification: UT can be used to verify the quality and consistency of materials such as steel, aluminum, and composites. By detecting defects such as voids and inclusions, it is possible to ensure that the material meets the required standards.
  2. Weld Inspection: UT can be used to inspect welds in components such as pipes, tanks, and structures. By detecting defects such as cracks and voids, it is possible to ensure the integrity and safety of the weld.
  3. Production Testing: UT can be used to test components during production to ensure that they meet the required specifications and standards. This can help detect defects early and prevent costly scrap or rework.

Safety Concerns and Precautions with Ultrasonic Testing

Ultrasonic testing (UT) is generally considered a safe non-destructive testing method. However, there are still some safety concerns and precautions that should be taken to ensure the safety of the operator and others in the vicinity of the testing.

Here are some safety concerns and precautions with UT:

  1. High-frequency Sound Waves: UT uses high-frequency sound waves, which can be harmful to hearing if proper precautions are not taken. Operators should wear hearing protection when performing UT.
  2. Electrical Hazards: UT equipment typically operates on electrical power, which can pose a hazard if proper precautions are not taken. Operators should be trained on electrical safety and should follow established safety procedures.
  3. Chemical Hazards: Some UT coupling agents, such as oils and gels, can pose a hazard if they come into contact with the skin or eyes. Operators should wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and safety glasses when working with coupling agents.
  4. Equipment Hazards: UT equipment can be heavy and may pose a risk of injury if it is not handled properly. Operators should be trained on safe equipment handling procedures and should follow established safety guidelines.
  5. Environmental Hazards: UT can generate noise and vibration, which can pose a hazard to others in the vicinity of the testing. Operators should be aware of their surroundings and should take appropriate precautions to minimize the impact of the testing on others.

In addition to these safety concerns, it is important to follow established safety procedures and guidelines when performing UT. This includes conducting regular equipment checks and maintenance, properly labeling and storing equipment and materials, and following established safety protocols for specific testing applications. By taking these safety precautions, UT can be performed safely and effectively in a variety of applications.

Comparison of Ultrasonic Testing with Other NDT Methods

Ultrasonic testing (UT) is one of several non-destructive testing (NDT) methods used to detect defects and evaluate the integrity of materials and structures. Here is a comparison of UT with some other common NDT methods:

  1. Radiography: Radiography uses X-rays or gamma rays to create an image of the internal structure of a material. It is particularly effective at detecting flaws such as cracks, voids, and inclusions that are located deep within a material. However, radiography can be hazardous due to the use of ionizing radiation, and it may require more extensive safety precautions.
  2. Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT): MPT uses magnetic fields and iron oxide particles to detect surface and near-surface defects in ferromagnetic materials. It is particularly effective at detecting defects such as cracks and porosity, but it requires the material being tested to be magnetizable.
  3. Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT): LPT involves applying a liquid penetrant to the surface of a material and then removing the excess before applying a developer. Any penetrant that remains indicates a surface defect. LPT is effective at detecting surface defects such as cracks and porosity, but it does not provide information about the internal structure of the material.
  4. Eddy Current Testing (ECT): ECT uses electromagnetic fields to detect surface and near-surface defects in conductive materials. It is effective at detecting defects such as cracks and corrosion, but it may require more complex equipment and specialized training.

Compared to these other NDT methods, UT has some advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages of UT include its ability to detect both surface and subsurface defects, its ability to be used on a variety of materials, and its real-time results. Some disadvantages of UT include the need for a smooth surface, the dependence on operator skill for accurate interpretation of results, and the limitations in detecting certain types of defects.

here’s the summary table that lists the advantages and disadvantages of each surface crack detection method:

MethodProsConsVisual InspectionSimple and easy to perform, low costNot sensitive enough for small or subtle cracks, requires good lighting and viewing anglesMagnetic Particle InspectionHighly sensitive, suitable for complex shapes and hard-to-reach areasRequires specialized equipment and skills, not suitable for non-ferromagnetic materialsLiquid Penetrant InspectionSuitable for most materials, low costNot practical for large components, may require multiple inspections, liquid handling has contamination and pollution risksUltrasonic TestingVery sensitive, suitable for most materials and geometriesRequires access to both sides of the component, may not be suitable for highly reflective or attenuative materialsEddy Current TestingVery sensitive, can detect surface and sub-surface cracksNot suitable for non-conductive materials, requires trained personnelX-ray InspectionVery accurate, can detect cracks below the surfaceRequires specialized equipment and skills, may pose radiation risks to personnel and environmentAcoustic Emission TestingCan detect cracks in composite materialsMay not be sensitive enough for detecting cracks in metallic materials, requires access to both sides of the component

In summary, ultrasonic testing is a versatile and powerful NDT technique with numerous applications across various industries. Its ability to detect both surface and subsurface defects makes it an invaluable tool in ensuring the safety and reliability of critical components. However, it’s essential to recognize its limitations and choose the most suitable NDT method based on the specific inspection requirements and material properties. By understanding the advantages and limitations of ultrasonic testing, we can make informed decisions and ensure the highest level of safety and quality in our industries.

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