Those replacement Props you see on ebay or Amazon are not ...

07 Oct.,2024


Those replacement Props you see on ebay or Amazon are not ...

So, I had a little brush with some wires, then some branches at a later date with my OEM props. They were starting to look a bit worn and the orange pieces were coming off. I thought I'd by some replacements just in case.

So, I by this 8 pair pack, 1 double bladed prop unit or (blade pair) for each motor. This package sold 8 prop units. Thus, you get 4 blade pairs and a second set of 4 in case you ruin the 1st four. . The price was the same for 4 OEM prop units. So I figured I would by the eight pack for the same price. It boasted lighter weight and longer flight times.

I take these new props out of the box and instantly notice how thin and flexible they were compared to the OEM units that came with the drone. You could easily surmise they would bend easily during high-speed maneuvers or if you were to add a payload to your UAV. I wondered how much bend they could handle before snapping. They were made so much thinner than the original props.

MY ADVICE: Stick with the original OEM props if you plan on high flight speeds, fast altitude increases or carrying payloads. Otherwise, those props are going to bend. How this bending would affect lift is a concern to me.

I carry payloads a lot. I couldn't risk having weak bending props when I take off with a payload. I feared they would snap or have poor lift performance due to their increase in bending. It would also be likely that the motors would have to spin faster to compensate for the reduced lift from bending. Thus, these new cheep weak bending blades might stress the motors and imcrease the heat made by the motors.

So, I just stored the cheep non-OEM blades unless I plan on flying without payloads. Then I bought normal OEM blade pairs x4 instead of x8. The four oem blade pairs were the same price as the cheep non-OEM blades.

I also bought some highly rigid carbon fiber blades, in hopes that their rigidity will increase lift without the expense of increased stress and heat levels on the motors when lifting payloads. I suspect the higher the rigidity the less the motors will have to spin to create the same amount of lift or force.

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