Glaze Durability

23 Sep.,2024


Glaze Durability

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Glaze Durability

Ceramic glazes vary widely in their resistance to wear and leaching by acids and bases. The principle factors that determine durability are the glaze chemistry and firing temperature.

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Ceramic glazes vary widely in their resistance to wear (cutlery marking, scratching) and leaching by acids and bases. The principle factors that determine durability are the glaze chemistry and firing temperature. In industry technicians are accustomed to evaluating glazes by looking at their oxide chemistry and rationalizing the relationship between it and fired durability. Glazes having plenty of Al2O3 and SiO2, for example, are more durable (when they are melted properly). By contrast, potters tend to focus on the recipe. This is a problem and it is the reason that potters can be found using very non-functional glazes (often flux saturated and therefore lacking in Al2O3 and SiO2) or firing them in a non-functional way (e.g. under firing).

Misconceptions are common in this area. Many feel that just because a glaze looks melted it is durable. Another common belief is that firing temperature is an indicator of durability, the higher it is fired the more durable it will be. These beliefs, when coupled with the active traffic in glaze recipes online, greatly increase the chance that non-durable ware will be made. Sadly, a large proportion of online glazes are not durable and possibly not safe, even though they are published in fancy formats from apparently reputable sources. It is thus important to have a critical eye when looking at new recipes.

Another factor in why many people are using glazes of poor durability is the lack of appreciation of the basic science. In excess of 99% of glaze recipes available are for special purpose colors and surfaces. But very few quality transparent recipes are available. Ones that are expansion adjustable, fire clear and transparent, work with stains, have the right melt fluidity, melt well yet do not blister or pinhole, are easy to use, etc. And people do not test these with their bodies and adapt them (e.g. thermal stress testing for shivering, crazing). But functional surfaces must be based on these. Further, most other glazes are simply transparents with added colors, opacifiers and variegators.

With some experience it is possible to quickly judge durability issues when looking at a new glaze recipe. For example, at low temperatures (cone 06-04) boron is essential, so we expect to see a significant frit presence (or a natural boron source like Gerstley Borate), up to 80% is not uncommon. At high temperature we expect to see no boron materials (feldspars, calcium carbonate, dolomite, wollastonite, strontium carbonate are active melters there). At middle temperature these do not melt well so they need help. That help is almost always boron, so you will see 10-40% frits or Gerstley Borate. Some middle temperature glazes use zinc and/or lithium in addition to or instead or boron (these are power melters). But it is important that melters not be in excess, this will make the glaze leachable (since the SiO2 and Al2O3 percentages are pushed down).

At all temperatures, you should see clay in the recipe. 15-30% is typical. At all temperatures you should see silica, from 5-40%. If there is no clay or silica that is a red light if it is supposed to be a durable functional glaze.

Testing durability is common sense. Expose it to an acid and to abrasion and scratching by hard materials.

Please see the Limit Formula glossary topic for more information on how to look at a formula and judge its balance.

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Glossy blacks are best made adding a black stain to a quality base transparent

The glaze on the left is called Tenmoku Cone 6 (a popular, and old, CM recipe). It is 20% calcium carbonate, 35% Custer feldspar, 15% OM4 Ball Clay and 30% silica, 10% iron oxide. If you have any experience with glaze you will note two things that a fishy here: There is no boron, lithia or zinc sourcing material. How can this melt enough at cone 6? It looks melted, but the ease of scratching it shows it is not. So, it appears that if we saturate an incompletely melted glaze with a lot of refractory brown colorant on a dark body the effect can be black. A better idea is the glaze on the right. We start with a stable, reliable base transparent, GB. Then we add 5% Mason black stain (stains are smelted at high temperatures, quenched and ground, they are inert and relatively safe). A bonus is we end up with a slurry that is not nearly as messy to use and does not turn into a bucket of jelly.

Can a cone 6 functional glaze having only whiting and feldspar melt enough?

This flow test compares the base and base-plus-iron version of a popular CM recipe called "Tenmoku Cone 6" (20% whiting, 35% Custer feldspar, 15% Ball Clay and 30% silica, 10% iron oxide). Although iron is not a flux in oxidation, it appears to be doing exactly that here (that flow is just bubbling its way down the runway, the white one also fires to a glassy surface on ware). It looks melted in the tray on the right but notice how easily it is scratching on the tile (lower left). This demonstrates that looks can be deceiving. Cone 6 functional glazes always have some percentage of a power flux (like boron, lithia, zinc), otherwise they just do not melt into a hard glass. Maybe a glaze looks melted, but it has poor durability.

3% and 2% Zircopax added to GB cone 6 clear. Why?

If you are interested in the most functional possible surface, consider a 2% zircon addition to your transparent glaze recipe (the outside glaze on these mugs is a copper blue, but that is not the one we are interested in). The clear glaze on the insides of these two identical cone 6 porcelain mugs has 3% and 2% zircon added. It is not being added to opacify, it is being added to toughen the surface and reduce the thermal expansion. The presence of the 2% zircon has not affected the gloss or transparency of the glaze on the right. However, the 3% on the left has opacified it just slightly and made the surface a little silky. So that is too much for this glaze (although it might be OK if the melt fluidity was higher).

Low fire glaze with the Al2O3 and SiO2 of a cone 6 glaze

Look at how fluid G is at cone 06 even though it has the Al2O3 and SiO2 of a cone 6 (or even cone 10 glaze)! It have found that glazes with lots of boron can tolerate amazingly high levels of Al2O3 and SiO2 and still melt very well. And they create many options to lower thermal expansion that would not otherwise be available. The GN recipe has the amazing ability to tolerate large additions of kaolin. Each addition sacrifices some melt fluidity but the glaze stays glossy and gets more durable (because of the increased Al2O3 and SiO2). And the thermal expansion drops even more. A highly melt fluid, super gloss with low thermal expansion is super difficult at cone 6, but here it is. The secret is high boron. From frits.


SMD Resistors: Codes, Size, Testing, Tolerance and ...

07 May

SMD Resistor or Chip Fixed Resistor is one of the metal glass glaze resistors. It is a resistor made by mixing metal powder and glass glaze powder and printing on the substrate by the screen printing method. It is resistant to humidity and high temperature and has a low-temperature coefficient. SMD Resistor can greatly save the cost of circuit space and make the design more refined.


SMD Resistor or Chip Fixed Resistor is one of the metal glass glaze resistors. It is a resistor made by mixing metal powder and glass glaze powder and printing on the substrate by the screen printing method. It is resistant to humidity and high temperature with a low-temperature coefficient. SMD Resistor can greatly save the cost of circuit space and make the design more refined. SMD is the abbreviation of Surface Mounted Devices, which is a special kind of SMT (Surface Mount Technology) element device. SMD resistors are usually called chip resistors.



I How to identify SMD resistors codes?

1. Digital cable nominal method (generally used for rectangular chip resistors)



SMD resistor

The digital cable nominal method is to mark the resistance with digits on the resistor. Its first digit and second digit are significant digits, and the third digit represents the number of "0" added after the significant digit. No letters appear in this one. For example: "472 '" means "Ω"; "151" means "150".

The resistance value of the SMD resistor is usually directly marked on the surface of the resistor in digital form, so the resistance value of the reading resistor can be directly seen by the number on the resistor surface. There are generally three representation methods:

(1) Composed of three numbers, indicating that the tolerance of resistance is ± 5%. The first two digits are significant digits, the third digit represents the multiplying multiplier by zero, and the basic unit is Ω. For example, 103, 1, and 0 are valid numbers, just write them down, 2 means multiplying by zero, which is the power of 10 (in short, the third digit is the power of 10). So the resistance represented by 103 is the power of 10 × 10 = 10 × = Ω = 10KΩ

(2) Composed of four numbers, indicating that the tolerance of resistance is ± 1%. The first three digits are significant digits, and the fourth digit represents a multiplier by zero (that is, the number means the power of 10). For example, , 150 is a significant number, write it down directly, 2 represents the power of 10. So the resistance of is the square of 150 × 10 = 150 × 100 = Ω = 15KΩ

(3) Composed of numbers and letters, such as 5R6, R16, etc. Here only need to replace R with a decimal point.

5R6 = 5.6R = 5.6Ω R16 = 0.16R = 0.16Ω

It should be noted here that "R" is the expression of resistance and "Ω" is the expression of resistance unit. In daily life, we may not mix the two, but in industrial production, the boundary between the two is very vague.

Here you can use Utmel's resistor code calculator to quickly determine the resistance value of an SMD resistor using the markings found on the resistor.

2.Nominal color ring method (generally used for cylindrical fixed resistors)

SMD resistors are the same as general resistors, and most of them use four rings (sometimes three rings) to indicate their resistance. The first ring and the second ring are significant digits, and the third ring is the magnification (color ring codes are shown in Table 1). For example: "Brown Green Black" means "15Ω"; "Blue Gray Orange Silver" means "68kΩ" with tolerance ± 10%.

3.E96 digital code and letter mixed nominal method

The mixed nominal method of digital codes and letters also uses three digits to indicate the resistance value, that is, "two digits plus one letter", where two digits represent the E96 series resistance code. Its third digit is the magnification expressed by letter code (shown in Table). For example: "51D" means "332 × 103; 332kΩ"; "249Y" means "249 × 10-2; 2.49Ω".

II SMD resistors size

Surface-mount resistors are standardized in shape and size. Most manufacturers use the JEDEC standard. The size of the SMD resistor is represented by a digital code, such as . This code contains the width and height of the package. Therefore, in the example of the Imperial code, this means that the length is 0.060 "and the width is 0.030". This code can be given in English or metric units, usually using English codes to indicate package size more frequently. In contrast, in modern PCB design, metric units (mm) are more commonly used, which may cause confusion. In general, you can assume that the code is in English units, but the size unit used is mm. The size of the SMD resistor depends mainly on the required power rating. The following table lists the dimensions and specifications of common surface-mount packages.






an (mm)























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Package and size table

III SMD resistors testing method

1. Grounding resistance test requirements: a. AC working grounding, resistance should not be greater than 4Ω; b. Safe working grounding, resistance should not exceed 4Ω; c. DC working grounding, resistance should be determined according to the specific requirements of the computer system; The patch resistance of the lightning protection ground should not be greater than 10Ω; e. If the shielding system uses joint grounding, the grounding resistance should not be greater than 1Ω.

2.  SMD resistor tester

ZC-8 ground resistance tester is suitable for measuring the resistance value of various power systems, electrical equipment, lightning rods, and other grounding devices. It can also measure the resistance value and soil resistivity of low-resistance conductors.

ZC-8 ground resistance tester

3.  The work of this instrument is composed of a hand-cranked generator, current transformer, slide wire resistor, and galvanometer. All the mechanisms are installed in the plastic shell, and the outer shell is easy to carry. The accessories include auxiliary probe wires, etc., which are installed in the accessory bag. Its working principle uses the reference voltage comparison formula.

4.  Check whether the tester is complete before use. The tester includes the following devices: 1. One ZC-8 grounding resistance tester 2. Two auxiliary grounding rods 3. Three wires, each of  which is 5m, 20m, and 40m

5.  Use and operation

(1) When measuring the resistance of an SMD resistor, the E terminal button on the instrument is connected with a 5m wire, the P terminal button is connected with a 20m wire, and the C terminal button is connected with a 40m wire. The other end of the wire is connected to the ground electrode E&#;, potential probe P&#; and current probe C&#;, and E&#;, P&#;, C&#; should be kept in a straight line with a distance of 20m.

When the wiring diagram when the chip resistance is greater than or equal to 1Ω, connect the two E-terminal buttons on the meter together. Related pictures on this topic are as follows:

The wiring diagram when the chip resistance is greater than or equal to 1Ω;

When the chip resistance is less than 1Ω, connect the two E-terminal button wires on the instrument to the ground body under test to eliminate the additional error introduced by the resistance of the connecting wire during the measurement.

The wiring diagram when the chip resistance is less than 1Ω

(2) Operation steps

1)  All wiring at the instrument end should be correct.

2) The connection between the instrument and the ground electrode E&#;, potential probe P&#;, and current probe C&#; should be in firm contact.

3) After the meter is placed horizontally, adjust the mechanical zero position of the galvanometer, and return to zero.

4) Set the "Magnification Switch" to the maximum magnification and gradually increase the speed of the crank handle to 150r / min. When the galvanometer pointer deflects in a certain direction, turn the dial to restore the galvanometer pointer to the "0" point. At this time, the reading on the dial multiplied by the magnification scale is the measured resistance value.

5) If the dial reading is less than 1, the galvanometer pointer is still not balanced, and the magnification switch can be set to the next lower magnification until it is adjusted to full balance.

6) If the pointer of the meter galvanometer is found to be jittery, the speed of the crank can be changed to eliminate the jitter.

Circuit and physical diagrams

IV Tolerance

What is a precision SMD resistor? The precision SMD resistor means that the tolerance of the chip resistor is relatively small. It is generally called tolerance of 1%. The minimum error can reach 0.01%. The temperature coefficient is as low as ± 5ppm / °C, which is rarely achieved by the industry: It can be applied to precision instruments, communication electronic products, and portable electronic products. So many people will ask if the chip resistance is so small, can it be distinguished if 5% and 1% are not tested? So below we compare the difference between 5% and 1% chip resistors.

The 5% series SMD resistors are represented by 3 characters: in this method, the first two digits represent the effective digits of the resistance value, and the third digit represents the number of "0" that should be added after the effective number. When the resistance is less than 10Ω, R is used to indicate the position of the decimal point of the resistance value in the resistor code. This notation is usually used in a resistance series with a resistance value error of 5%. For example, 330 means 33Ω instead of 330Ω; 221 means 220Ω; 683 means Ω or 68kΩ; 105 means 1MΩ; 6R2 means 6.2Ω.

The 1% series precision SMD resistors are represented by 4 characters: the first 3 digits of this notation represent the effective digits of the resistance value, and the fourth digit represents the number of 0s that should be added after the effective digits. When the resistance is less than 10Ω, R is still used in the code to indicate the position of the decimal point of the resistance value. This representation method is generally used in the precision resistance series with a resistance error of 1%. For example:  means 10Ω; means 100Ω; means Ω, or 49.9kΩ; means Ω or 147kΩ; 0R56 means 0.56Ω.

The surface of the SMD resistors is engraved with letters. If there are only three digits, the error is 5%. If there are four digits, the error is 1%.

V Selection of SMD resistors

The application of surface assembly technology (SMT) is very common, and the proportion of electronic products assembled by SMT has exceeded 90%. With the development of small-scale SMT production equipment, the application scope of SMT is further expanded, and aerospace, aerospace, instrumentation, machine tools, and other fields are also using SMT to produce various small-scale electronic products or components.

Electronic product developers often use SMD devices to develop new products. In recent years, maintenance personnel has also begun to repair a large number of electronic products assembled by SMT technology.

The model of the SMD resistor is not uniform and is set by each manufacturer, and the model is particularly long (composed of more than a dozen letters and numbers). If the various parameters and specifications of the SMD resistor can be correctly presented when purchasing, then the required resistor can be easily purchased (or ordered).

There are 5 parameters for SMD resistors, namely size, resistance, tolerance, temperature coefficient, and packaging.

1.  Size

SMD resistors generally have 7 sizes, which are expressed by two size codes. A size code is an EIA (American Electronics Industry Association) code represented by 4 digits. The first two digits and the last two digits indicate the length and width of the resistor in inches respectively. The other is the metric code, which is also represented by 4 digits in millimeters. Different size resistors have different power ratings.

2.  Resistance

The nominal resistance is determined by the series. Each series is divided by the tolerance of the resistance (the smaller the tolerance, the more the resistance value is divided), and the most commonly used is E-24 (the tolerance of the resistance value is ± 5%).

On the surface of the SMD resistor, three digits are used to represent the resistance value, in which the first and second digits are valid numbers, and the third digit represents the number followed by zero. When there is a decimal point, use "R" to represent, and occupy one significant digit.

3.  Tolerance

The tolerance of SMD resistor (carbon film resistor) has 4 levels, namely F level, ±1%; G level, ±2%; J level, ±5%; K level, ±10%.

4.  Temperature coefficient

The temperature coefficient of the SMD resistor has two levels, namely w level, ±;200ppm / &#;; X level, ±100ppm / &#;. Only resistors with tolerance class F are grade x, while resistors with tolerances of other grades are generally class w.

5.  There are mainly two kinds of packaging: bulk and ribbon roll.

The working temperature range of the SMD resistors is -55-+125 &#;. The maximum working voltage is related to the size: is the lowest, , and are 50V, is 150V, and other sizes are 200V.

The digits on the surface of the SMD resistor are used to represent the resistance characters arranged horizontally and are specified to be represented by three digits, where the first two digits are valid digits and the third digit is an exponent of 10. For example: 473 means 47 × 103 = 47 kΩ. If the second character on the surface of the resistor used to indicate the resistance value is the letter R, it represents the decimal point, for example, 5R1 means the resistance value is 5.1 Ω.


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