How to measure thin materials accurately using the ...

06 May.,2024


How to measure thin materials accurately using the ...

When you need to measure thin materials with pinpoint accuracy, the Elcometer PTG6 and PTG8 Ultrasonic Precision Thickness Gauges are designed to measure on virtually any uncoated thin material.

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Unlike other ultrasonic thickness gauges, which can be notoriously difficult to operate, with confusing and unclear menus - the Elcometer PTG range’s easy-to-use menu system, in multiple languages, meaning they can be used straight out-of-the-box, with little or no training required; whilst still delivering highly accurate material thickness measurements.

Taking a reading on very thin substrates, when accuracy is critical, couldn’t be easier - using a very small amount of ultrasonic couplant, press the transducer flat against the surface.

When the transducer is placed on the material, the reading stability indicator shows how strong the ultrasonic signal is – a red or orange bar means you may need to adjust how you’re holding the transducer, or where on the material you are placing it; while a full bar means a strong signal, ensuring accurate, reliable measurements.

The Elcometer PTG range uses single element transducers to provide precise, accurate material thickness measurements to one hundredth of a millimetre - or one thousandth of an inch - of thin uncoated materials; such as steel, titanium and plastic; from as little as 0.15mm thick.

So, how does it work?

Single element transducers consist of a crystal, which emits an ultrasound pulse when triggered by a voltage. This energy pulse travels from the transducer and into the material, aided by ultrasonic couplant, hits the back-wall of the material, and echoes back towards the crystal where it is detected. The gauge then uses the speed of the pulse, and the time taken between the pulse being emitted and the echo being detected, to calculate the thickness of the material.

However, measuring thin materials means that the ultrasonic signal will return to the transducer incredibly quickly, and as a result there is not always enough time between the pulse leaving the element, and the echo returning. This is why, when using an Elcometer PTG, single element transducers use a delay line, to increase the time between the pulse being sent and the echo being received, ensuring more accurate results.

The material you are measuring will affect the material of the delay line you should use. For example, acrylic delay lines are suitable for measuring on steel, aluminium, and titanium; while thin plastics and other similar materials should be measured using a graphite delay line, with the gauge set to Plastic Mode.

You simply input the length and material of the delay line before starting, and the gauge will subtract it from future measurements, leaving just the thickness of the material.

Whenever you change delay lines, you should ensure there is a small amount of ultrasonic couplant between the delay line and the transducer, making sure there is no free air between them; and always remember to change the delay line setting within the gauge.

When measuring on materials that deflect or absorb the ultrasonic signal, the Elcometer PTG gauges only allow you to save a measurement if the signal strength indicator is in the green - avoiding false or incorrect readings.

The Elcometer PTG thickness gauges are designed to work with Elcometer’s range of intelligent transducers, which all have automatic probe recognition - so as soon as the transducer is connected to a gauge, it immediately detects what type of transducer you’re working with. All you need to do is set the appropriate length and material of delay line.

If you already have a range of transducers you wish to use which have Lemo Connectors; they can be connected to the Elcometer PTGs using a single element transducer adaptor – you simply tell the gauge what transducer you are using, as well as the delay line.

The Elcometer PTG range have user selectable measurement rates of up to 16 readings-per-second (16 Hertz); ideal for quickly scrubbing across a surface, recording multiple measurements.

Alternatively, the top-of-the-range Elcometer PTG8 has scan mode for checking large surface areas. Simply scrub the transducer over the test area, and the gauge will display the average, lowest, and highest thicknesses across the scanned area.

In addition to displaying the material thickness, the Elcometer PTG8 has a choice of displays which include user selectable statistics, thickness bar graphs, and run charts.

The Elcometer PTG8 is also equipped with B-Scan mode; which shows any changes in the material thickness, visually, as you move across the surface - ideal for quickly identifying large changes in depth within the material.

Alternatively, differential mode displays the last reading, and how much it differs from the user definable nominal value – also known as the target thickness – indicating where the material is thinner or thicker than expected.

With Limit Memories, the Elcometer PTG8 allows you to set high and low limits, as well as the previously mentioned nominal target thickness. Once defined, whenever a reading exceeds these limits, the gauge gives you an audio and visual warning, clearly highlighting any problem areas.

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On Resolution, Accuracy and Calibration of Digital ...

On Resolution, Accuracy and Calibration
of Digital Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges

by Peter Hammond Cygnus Instruments Ltd *


    The difference between resolution and accuracy is highlighted with respect to ultrasonic thickness gauges. After briefly describing the principles of operation, sources of errors are discussed, and where possible quantified. It is shown that calibration to national standards has no place in this field.

    It is concluded that while the thickness gauge is a valuable tool for routine inspection, the accuracy of its readings should not be accepted with unquestioning faith.

    Table of contents

    1. Introduction
      Accuracy and Resolution, The digital time of flight gauge, What is calibration?
    2. Principles of Operation
      Obtaining a Time of Flight, Converting to Thickness
    3. Sources of error
      Time of Flight errors, Variations in speed of sound, Temperature
    4. Conclusions


Principles of Operation

    Obtaining a Time of Flight

    Figure 2: Time of flight detection in echo to echo mode. A thickness gauge uses an internal clock to measure the time of arrival of one or more echoes, assumed to be from the backwall of the test object. The frequency of this clock determines the resolution of TOF measurement. The time of flight is determined either by subtracting the time of arrival of consecutive echoes (echo to echo or multiple echo modes), or by subtracting a calibrated offset value from the first time of arrival. Figure 2 represents the detection in echo-to-echo mode. There are three sources of error in this process, described below. Therefore, we can say that

      T = Rø + ø +
        T = error in TOF
        Rø = resolution (frequency) of clock
        ø = error in clock frequency and
        other timing electronics
        = phase angle error.

    Of these three, Rø is the most significant.

    Clock resolution

    Figure 3: Improving resolution by repeated measurement with offset. TOF cannot be known to greater accuracy than the clock resolution. It can be seen from figure 2 that the error in (t1 - t0) is still 1 clock tick, as the times are rounded down. Resolution can be improved by applying digital signal processing (DSP) techniques to the received signal. The high level of computing power required to implement a sophisticated DSP algorithm is unlikely to be found in a general purpose handheld gauge. Resolution can be improved by averaging a number of readings taken with a known small shift in the start of timing, relative to the drive pulse. Figure 3 illustrates this. Here the shift is Rø/ 4. Implementing this requires the offset to be accurately known, usually by using a higher speed clock.

    Electronic precision

    The clock frequency itself and the detection of echoes both have errors associated with them. With modern crystal oscilators and precision electronics, ø is negligible within the manufacturer's specified working range.

    Phase angle error

    The echoes are detected by comparing the signal level with a reference value. If the two peaks are of different amplitude, the peaks will cross the reference at slightly different phase angles. In theory, could approach 1/4 wavelength () if the threshold was near the base of one peak and the top of the second. In practice, less than /16 would be expected.
    A related problem occurs when noise is superimposed on the wave. The small change in overall signal level can cause the detection point to move, and that can cause jitter in the reading. It can be overcome by averaging a number of readings for display. Averaging in this way improves accuracy, but not resolution.

    Converting to Thickness

    Having established the TOF in internal clock ticks, there are two ways to convert it to a reading - fixed clock or fixed conversion. Each has its own limitations. In addition, both are limited by the accuracy with which c is known for the material under test. The error introduced by differences between the calibration sample and the actual test material is denoted c. Sources of this error are discussed in the next section.

    Fixed clock

    The more common method is to use a fixed clock frequency, and to use digital arithmetic to multiply TOF by c to get the reading. In this type of gauge, the speed of sound can be set or displayed in normal engineering units. However, there is a limit to the resolution of the setting (for example, 5 ms-1 steps). The limitations will be more noticeable at lower c, for example in plastics. Also rounding errors can be introduced in the calculation, although this should not be a significant effect with well designed software. Thus

      L = T + Rc + p + c
        L = error in thickness reading
        Rc = error due to resolution of velocity setting
        p = precision of calculation

    At low velocity settings, each clock tick will represent a small thickness, so measurement resolution will be smaller than display resolution. At the high end of the velocity range, the measurement resolution will become comparable to, or exceed, the resolution of the digital display. Consider a hypothetical gauge with a fixed clock frequency of 50 MHz, calibrated to 5900 ms-1. Each tick thus represents 0.059 mm. The gauge has a four digit display. As the probe is moved along a continuous wedge from 10 to 11 mm, readings 10.03, 10.09, 10.15, 10.21 etc. are observed. Although the last digit of the display can take any value 0-9, only certain readings can be displayed. For a true measurement resolution of 0.01 mm at a maximum velocity setting of 10000 ms-1, the clock would need to run at 500 MHz. This is an extremely high speed for a simple hand held instrument.

    Fixed conversion

    Another method is to vary the clock frequency so that one count always represents one increment of the displayed digits. Before the widespread use of microprocessors, this was the only way. The setting of c is analogue, and is thus not subject to any limitation of resolution. It is set by measuring a known sample and adjusting a trimmer to get the correct displayed thickness.

    It may seem that this would be liable to the same errors as normal measurement, and so the total system error would be doubled. However, it is possible to get much more accurate setting by adjusting the gauge one digit too far in each direction, and then setting the trimmer to the midway position. The actual value of c is unknown to the user. The total error is then

      L = T + c in the best case (3) or
      L = 2T + c in the worst case

    Measurement resolution is, by definition, equivalent to display resolution in this type of instrument.

Sources of error

    Time of Flight errors

    In addition to the fixed calibration errors outlined above, there are several sources of random error in the use of the gauge, which affect the repeatability of readings.

    The thickness of the couplant layer can have a marked effect on the reading from a single echo gauge, especially when reading on a rough corroded surface. The velocity of sound in the couplant is around 1/4 that in steel, so 0.5mm of couplant in a pit will increase the indicated reading by 2mm. A similar effect can be observed when reading pitted substrates. A relatively deep and flat bottomed pit, when filled with couplant, can give a reading. For example a 1mm pit on an 8mm steel wall could give a reading of 4mm. The user might erroneously believe this to be some acoustic effect or probe fault leading to halved readings. Usually a multipe echo gauge will ignore both of these effects, as with other coatings, but occasionally a pit can be measured. As a wave is propagated through the material, it is attenuated and diffracted. Both processes reduce the proportion of high frequency components in the wavelet, thus changing its shape, which can alter the measured time of flight. In laboratory measurements of velocity, these phase shift effects are accounted for mathematically. [1]. As the gauge does not make the same corrections, entering literature values for velocity will introduce a small error. Fowler et al [3] list a number of additional factors which can reduce accuracy, including curvature of the test piece and surface roughness. These are only significant when working at the highest accuracy.

    Variations in speed of sound

    The nature of the work implies that calibrating thickness gauges on the actual material under test is not normally practicable. Gauges are normally calibrated using some kind of reference sample - either a standard velocity for the material, or a test block of a similar material. This assumes that the two materials have the same speed of sound; an assumption which can be very poor. We will discuss some of the many factors which can affect speed of sound in materials.

    It has been postulated [2] that for corrosion monitoring, knowing the absolute thickness is less important than knowing the rate of loss year on year. Therefore, accurate calibration is not necessary, only repeatable calibration. This pragmatic approach may be appropriate in many cases, providing the survey results are used with this assumption in mind.

    Material grade

    The most significant factor is the grade of material. Simply knowing a type of material, such as "steel" or even "stainless steel", is not enough, as table 1 shows. (It should be noted that there are no procedures or estimates of error given with these values.)

    Table 1: Literature values for speed of sound in steels. Description velocity /ms-1 Ref Mild steel 5960 3 Steel 1020 5890 4 Stainless steel 5980 3 Stainless steel 302 5660 4 Stainless steel 347 5740 4 Stainless steel 410 7390 4

    Process history

    The speed of sound in any given sample will be influenced by processes applied to it. Heat treatment of metals (hardening and tempering) will have a small effect, as will cold working.[5]. These differences are estimated to be up to 5%, which can significantly compromise the quoted accuracy of a thickness gauge.

    When a material is subjected to any forming process, the microstructure will become aligned. This leads to differences in properties, including speed of sound, in different directions - an effect termed anisotropy. It can be demonstrated using one of the 99 mm mild steel calibration blocks described earlier. A Cygnus thickness gauge with 0.05mm resolution was calibrated to read 99.00 on one pair of faces. It then repeatably read 98.80 and 99.30 on the other two. However the block measured 99.00mm +-0.02 in each direction using a certified digital caliper.

    Process history has even more marked effect on plastics materials. Anisotropy is very significant, owing to the highly directional nature of plastics forming processes such as injection moulding and extrusion. Cooling rate, and therefore wall thickness, also has an effect. Reliable calibration can only be acheived using a sample of the exact structure under test. Fortunately, thickness gauges are mostly used for process control on plastics, where such procedures can be incorporated easily.


    Temperature affects the indicated reading through four mechanisms:

    • Speed of sound
    • True thickness of material
    • Electronics drift
    • Probe characteristics

    The speed of sound in a material depends on the elastic modulus E and the density (, both of which are affected by temperature. Speed of sound will fall as the temperature rises, which makes the material appear thicker. The effect can be estimated quantitatively as follows.[6]. Compressional speed of sound cl is given by

    and subscript 0 represents a reference condition.

    Figure 4:
    Variation of speed of sound in steel with temperature. Using literature values, the variation of speed of sound with temperature can be estimated for mild steel, and is presented in figure 4. It can be seen that the effect can be quite strong.

    The material will expand as the temperature rises. This is usually a small effect, but must be considered when comparing a reading at high temperature with a drawing which refers to the room-temperature dimension.

    A large departure in ambient temperature can cause the gauge's internal clock to drift from its specified frequency, which will increase the term ø in eq. 1. Similarly, the zero offset and responsivenes of the probe can be altered by changing temperature. The manufacturer's recommendations for service conditions should therefore be observed.


    The total accuracy in a digital thickness gauge reading can be stated as the sum of a number of sources of error. The largest are the variation in speed of sound between components, and the resolution of the timing circuit. The user must be aware that the manufacturer's stated resolution is only the reading resolution. This is not the same as accuracy, which may be significantly reduced by uncertainty in the speed of sound for the material under test.

    As with any measurement, spurious accuracy should be avoided when reporting. The fact that a gauge's display can show 0.01 mm does not imply that it can resolve between test blocks of 10.01 and 10.02 mm. The limitations of extrapolating from a calibration block to a real structure must be considered when reporting absolute thickness values.

    Factory calibration of thickness gauges against traceable standards is meaningless. Careful field calibration is necessary and sufficient. Comparative measurements on the same component need not be compromised by uncertainty in speed of sound, provided the same calibration is used for repeat surveys.


    1. McCann, C and Sothcott, J, Laboratory Measurements of the Seismic Properties of Sedimentary Rocks, in Hurst, A, Griffiths, C M and Worthington, P F (eds), Geological Applications of Wireline Logs II, Geological Society Special Publication 65, 285-297 (1992)
    2. Fowler, K A; Elfbaum, G M; Smith, K A and Nelligan, T J, Theory and Application of Precision Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging, Insight 38 582 - 587 (1996)
    3. Bell, M S and Haupt, J D, Accuracy of Ultrasonic Digital Thickness Gauging for Corrosion Monitoring, International Chemical and Petroleum Industry Inspection Technology III Topical Conference, Houston, TX, June 1993, pub. American Society for Nondestructive Testing, pp 130-134.
    4. Kaye, G W C and Laby, T H, Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants, 15th ed. pub. Longman, Essex, 75-77 (1986)
    5. Anon, Table of Ultrasonic Properties, Xactex corp, WA, (1995)
    6. Kraukrämer, J and Krautkrämer, H, Ultrasonic Testing of Materials, 4th ed. pub. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, trans. Hislop, J D, p 497 (1990)
    7. loc cit 3, pp 30, 32, 33, 56, 75.


    Peter Hammond graduated from Brunel University in 1990 with BSc (hons) in materials science. This was followed in 1994 by a PhD from the same university, on "The uses of overpressure in the removal of binder from ceramic injection mouldings". In 1994 he joined Cygnus Instruments as a Teaching Company Associate, to investigate methods of thickness gauging at elevated temperatures. On the completion of that contract in 1996, he was taken on as a full member of the R & D staff. This has lead to some understanding of the challenges of thickness gauging on a wide range of materials. While not at work, he relaxes with cycling, water skiing and real ale.
    Cygnus Instruments Ltd Ultrasonic NDT equipment
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