Reticle Pros and Cons - 204Ruger

10 Jun.,2024


Reticle Pros and Cons - 204Ruger

Post by maverick » Thu Mar 18, 12:24 pm

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OK gentlemen, what do you see as the pros and cons of your favorite reticle when it comes to shooting ground squirrels, rock chucks, and coyotes (assume 1 gun and scope combo for all 3ââ&#;¬Â¦)??? Was intending to go with a mil dot reticle on the scope for my .204 (Ruger #1V -- just came in yesterday) as thatââ&#;¬â&#;¢s what Iââ&#;¬â&#;¢ve gone with for the last 2 scopes Iââ&#;¬â&#;¢ve purchased and really like them. Was paging thru past threads in the Optics section, and see a lot of folks really like Leupoldââ&#;¬â&#;¢s Varmint Hunter reticle, which seems to be very similar to Zeissââ&#;¬â&#;¢ Rapid Z varmint. For those of you that shoot that particular reticle, is there anything you donââ&#;¬â&#;¢t like about it? Thought Iââ&#;¬â&#;¢d pick your collective brains a bit before I ordered the scope within the next couple days. Scopes on the table for consideration at this time (in order of my current preferences) are the Bushnell Elite (2.5-16x42) with a mil-dot, Zeiss Conquest (4.5-14x44) with Rapid Z Varmint, and the Leupold VX-III (4.5-14x40) with Varmint Hunter. Not opposed to considering others, so thought Iââ&#;¬â&#;¢d throw it on the table. Bang away!

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