With so much to remember when specifying a motor it can become a challenge to get the insulation class, cooling and mounting options right; especially off the top of your head! Thats why Quantum in conjunction with our partners ABB have produced a pocket guide that contains all the main electric motor designation options you need to have on-hand for such specification dilemmas.
IEC and NEMA motor designations are included in the pocket guide, with the front of the guide detailing the cooling types and duty cycles according to both IEC and NEMA standards. A diagram is used to explain the cooling markings found on IEC motors and breaks down their meanings, with detailed explanations and images to illustrate the differences across both standards. Duty cycles for electric motors under IEC and NEMA standards are also explained, and on the reverse side of the guide insulations standards with the relevant permitted temperature rises are detailed. The different mounting arrangement options for both motor standards are included, with diagrams and type codes set out to make specifying the correct options more straight forward. A suite of 3 motor pocket guides are available:
ABB contains other products and information you need, so please check it out.
You can order your suite of pocket guides by registering your details here https://r1.dotmailer-surveys.com/6cxg250-1c1wyg68
A poll of over 350,000 people from UK Industry have voted Quantum Controls Ltd the ABB Motor and Drives Supplier of the Year . UK Corporate Excellence presented Kevin Brown, Managing Director with the Award in November . So if you specify, use, maintain or buy ABB motors you can rest assured you are talking to the experts.
For more information, please visit Abb Motor Suppliers.