Push notifications vs. SMS notifications: Key differences

20 May.,2024


Push notifications vs. SMS notifications: Key differences

Call me Captain Obvious, but it’s clear that business owners want to get their customers’ attention. 

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Message Notification Service for Improving Marketing Effectiveness.

The hitch here is that there’s a lot of static to cut through first. Currently, the average US smartphone user receives nearly 50 notifications per day. So, how can you stand out? 

Digital marketers need to be aware of all the tools they have at their disposal to reach their audiences. Two of the most effective tools out there are SMS notifications and push notifications.


Pus notifications vs. SMS notifications


Let’s go over what they are, when to use them, and how to choose between the two.

What are SMS notifications?

SMS notifications are notifications that are sent when you receive a text message. Basically, if you’ve ever seen your phone light up with a preview of a text message you just got, that’s an SMS notification.

SMS stands for “Short Message Service.” SMS notifications are sent the same way as any other text message. Usually, they’re limited to 160 characters. 

With our expanded messaging feature, however, you can send SMS notifications that are up to 306 characters long. While SMS can be used as a marketing tool, SMS notifications can be used for time-sensitive and safety purposes also.

This is what an SMS notification looks like.

Why use SMS notifications?

Many businesses and organizations choose to use SMS notifications because they work on every device. There’s no app to download or software to install. Nearly all cell phones can receive SMS. 

Consider the following: your friend needs to inform you about something quickly. Would you rather them send you a quick text, call you, or email you? If you’re like most consumers, you answered text.

When to use SMS notifications

SMS notifications can be used to send emergency text alerts, inform users about new features, and send out advertising messages—among other things. Here are just a few of the most common use cases:

  • Spread the word about upcoming events
  • Send internal messages to employees
  • Increase profits with sales and cart abandonment texts
  • Inform patients about upcoming appointments
  • Fundraise or find volunteers for nonprofit organizations
  • Let customers know about reservation confirmations

What are push notifications?

Sometimes mistaken for SMS notifications, push notifications are pop-ups that appear on a mobile device. These messages may appear while customers are on their phones, or on the lock screen if the device isn’t in use. 

The biggest difference is that push notifications come from an app or website, not as a result of a text being sent. 

The maximum character count of a push notification varies from device to device, but the usual length is between 100 and 200 characters.

Here are a few different push notifications on a phone’s lock screen display.

Why use push notifications?

The main benefit of push notifications is that users don’t need to be in a particular app or on a site in order to see them. App or website publishers can send them at any time. Plus, many people opt into push notifications when they download an app. 

Data from Moengage tells us that push Notifications carry an impressive delivery rate of 90%. Not to mention that 40% of users engage with push notifications less than an hour after they pop up.

When to use push notifications

Push notifications can be used for many things: to ask users to take an action, let them know about new updates, and send them promotions. The most compelling reason to use push notifications is to make sure users don’t forget about your brand.

You can also simply encourage customers to return to your site or app to see new content or product drops or restock on products.

When used correctly, push notifications can help retention rates. In fact, Notify Visitors reports that push notifications generate a 39% retention rate.

3 key differences between push notifications and SMS notifications

A push notification is a notification itself that can come from any app and most websites and will appear on your phone’s lock screen. It is quite literally ‘pushing’ you to open your phone and read the notification.

SMS notifications, meanwhile, are specific to your native messaging app. An SMS notification appears on your lock screen, usually with an opening snippet of the text message you’ve received. 

Push notifications and SMS notifications can be used for similar purposes. However, the platforms used to send them are vastly different. 

When deciding between the two, here are three points to consider:

1. SMS notifications don’t require apps or websites

If your business offers a mobile app or hosts a website, you may want to send out push notifications. If you don’t, SMS notifications are perfect for you. 

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Voice Batch Notification Service.

To add push notifications to a web app, you must have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. SMS notifications, on the other hand, can be sent without any coding experience. You can send your first message in just minutes.

2. Push notifications require just one tap 

When sending a text, the idea is to have customers read and respond to the message.

Push notifications take some of the effort off your customers’ plates by encouraging them to just tap the notification to head to your app or landing page.

3. Customers can reply to SMS notifications

Push notifications are convenient for one-way communication. If you need to provide customer service or want your users to be able to reply with questions or requests, you should probably use SMS notifications. 

Our platform allows for two-way conversations. And, all incoming SMS messages are free!

4. Push notifications are cost-effective

While you’ll need an SMS marketing service to set up SMS notifications, push notifications simply require some coding to get started. 

That represents a little more work on your part, but for brands on a budget, this could be a plus.p

5. SMS notifications can be triggered by other software

Effective notifications need to be sent to the right people at the right time. With our Zapier integration, you can trigger messages to be sent when events occur in other pieces of software that you use. For example, you can send SMS notifications via SimpleTexting to new Constant Contact contacts. Or send SMS notifications via SimpleTexting to new Shopify customers.

Try our SMS notification service for free

It’s easy to add SMS notifications to your brand. Our platform was designed from the ground up to be as simple to use as possible. 

Sign up for a free 14-day trial to see how texts can benefit your business. With our SMS API, you can plug your website or app directly into our platform.

Alfredo Salkeld wrote this piece on 12/27/18. Lily Norton contributed.

Push Notifications vs. SMS: Which One Is Right for Your ...

What is a push notification?

A push notification is a message that is sent to a user's mobile device through an app or website without the user actively requesting it. These messages can appear as a banner, alert, or badge on the user's screen, and are typically used to notify them of new content, events, updates, or any other relevant information. Both phone and web push notifications are powerful tools for businesses to engage with their customers in real-time and keep them in the loop.

What is an SMS text message?

An SMS message (short message service message), also known as an SMS notification or text message, is a message that is sent from one mobile device to another. It is a simple and widely used form of communication that allows users to send short, text-based messages of up to 160 characters to anyone with a mobile phone number. Text messages are typically sent and received through the user's mobile network and do not require an internet connection. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as personal messaging, marketing, and customer communication.

7 key differences between push notifications and SMS messages

Push notifications and text messages are both popular communication methods used by businesses to engage with customers. However, there are several key differences between the two that can impact their effectiveness. In this next section, we'll explore seven of these differences, helping you choose the best option for your business needs.

1. Opting in

Both push notifications and SMS marketing campaigns require users to opt-in to receiving messages on their phone.

With push notifications, the user must download the app and agree to receive notifications and advertisements from the app.

SMS text messages, on the other hand, require written user consent for opt-in. The customer must voluntarily text the SMS number and respond with a message indicating their consent, such as "yes," "agree," "consent," or any other word that clearly states their permission to receive messages. This opt-in process is a crucial aspect of SMS marketing and is required by FCC regulations to ensure that customers are not receiving unwanted or unsolicited messages.

2. Delivery speed

Push notifications are generally faster than SMS messages in terms of delivery speed. When a push notification is sent, it is delivered almost instantly to the user's mobile device, regardless of whether the user is actively using the app or not. In contrast, SMS messages are sent through the user's mobile network and can be affected by network traffic and other factors, resulting in potential delays in delivery.

However, while push notifications are faster in delivery, they rely on an internet connection and may not be delivered if the user's device is not connected to the internet. SMS messages, on the other hand, do not require an internet connection and can be delivered even when the user's device is not connected to Wi-Fi or cellular data.

3. Message length

Both push notifications and SMS messages have character limits, but the limit is higher for push notifications. Android push notifications have a title character limit of 65 and a description limit of 240, while iOS push notifications have a combined limit of 178 characters. In contrast, no matter the platform, you can only send 160 characters with text messages.

4. Additional content

While text messages offer the option to use the MMS (multimedia messaging service) format, allowing businesses to attach website links, images, and other multimedia content to their messages, push notifications are limited to a preview image or graphic only. However, a well-designed graphic in your push message can still effectively entice users to further explore your offering within the app.

5. Customization

Users want to have control over how they receive notifications on their mobile phones for a variety of reasons, whether it's to minimize distractions or save battery life. Push notifications offer more flexibility in terms of preferences, allowing users to customize their settings, while SMS messages only have an on/off option. Furthermore, push notifications enable users to choose what they see when the notification arrives, whereas text alerts typically display only the first five to ten words.

6. Open rates

SMS messages have an impressive open rate of 98%, with about 90% of messages read within three minutes of receipt. They are a very reliable way to help you reach your marketing targets. In contrast, push notifications have a lower open rate of 20%. While users are more likely to swipe away a notification for later reading, they are less likely to ignore a text message.

7. Cost

Push notifications have an initial cost associated with developing an app to send them, but are otherwise free to send. On the other hand, text message marketing typically incurs a cost per message sent, or through a bulk text messaging package with a set price for sending a certain number of messages. However, businesses can often take advantage of discounts when sending a large number of SMS notifications, which can help reduce the overall cost of SMS marketing efforts.

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When to send push notifications