Using labview to simulate a touch monitor - NI Community

13 May.,2024


Using labview to simulate a touch monitor - NI Community

Hello all,

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I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I just got started using labview. My company designs a product which uses a touch monitor for control. I would like to automate several of our tests using labview. Currently an operator has to go through our software and press the touchscreen. I would like to use labview to send the touch screen input to the system. Currently the touch monitor connects with a video cable and a USB. My guess is the USB is sending the touch input data. I was hoping to unplug the usb from our system and plug a laptop in running a labview VI. Labview would simulate the touch monitor and we could automate a lot of our tests.


Is this a reasonable way to solve this problem? What should I start researching to do this? I have tried using google and everything I find is about how to use a touch monitor to control labview. Which isn't really what I am trying to acomplish.

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Thank you in advance,


How to make a tablet LCD be recognizeable as ...

Hi Dave,

Yeah, the safer off the streets comment was in jest, but glad you are thinking about it. The voice activation thing is nice, the thing that wories me a bit about people with touchscreens on their dash is that you actually do have to look at it to select something. At least with old fashoned knobs you can sort of figure out what you are looking for by feel without looking. Sadly, you have more faith that people will grow a brain on their heads and not text and drive etc.

I'm also a dreamer and have been thinking about your idea all day. I've been thinking how cool it would be to have it so the tablet can be inserted and removed from the dash. If you had a strong enough Wi-Fi you could use it at a pretty good distance from your car and still have access to a full power PC.

As far as your idea goes though. My wife was looking today and found several multi-touch monitors up to 22-24" for under $400. That may be too big for what you were thinking, but a quick search on Amazon finds several from 7"- 16" are already set to use a HDMI and USB interface, several under $300.

Probably the best option that would do everything you want it to do would be the Microsoft Surface Pro. (not the RT that is out now) It is supposed to be out by the end of the month. 10.8" 1080P ten point multi-touch screen. It's a full PC with Windows 8 and an Intel I5 processor. 128gb SSD, 4GB Ram, USB 3.0 , and bluetooth 4. USB 3 is fast enough you could easily put additional storage on it and not have speed issues. the more I think about it the more I think this would be the easiest and possibly the cheapest way for you to get what you want now at a reasonable price. It won't be as fast as a desktop, or even a top end laptop, but it is a full PC with 1080p touchscreen.

I suppose you could also use the new Asus TaiChi It's available with a 11.6 and 13.3" screens. If you mounted it so it was easy to pop out of the dash it will double as a very nice full feature ultrabook or tablet PC. and you can get it with an i7. I've been looking at the surface and the taichi for my wife to use as a full computer tablet, but she's afrad they will be too heavy to use as a tablet and hold for hours at a time. Which is why I started looking at the remote controlling a full pc with a lightweight tablet.

Another option that I just saw and would be really easy to set up for what you want is an all in one PC that is actually built in to a touch screen monitor. You may be able to find one with beefyer specs than the Surface Pro or TaiChi, and with a bigger screen if that's what you are looking for. You might even be able to find one that's cheaper than the Surface and Taichi. All you'd need for it to work would be an inverter for power. I'd recomend also putting a nice UPS in the car as well so you'd have some battery time. If you got one with software you could set it up to shut itself down before the battery dies.

if you want chaper and all you need is what you listed in your last post, my wife also tells me that her Android phone will do speech to text, navigation and everything you listed that you wanted your system to do, so it will work with any android tablet or phone with version 4.0 or later with just downloading a few apps. I'm all for dreaming the big project, but when it comes to spending the money if I can get 90% of what I want for 1/4 the price to make it easily affordable now instead of in the distant future I say go for it.

Good Luck,



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